Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Gathering Around The Table

At least once a month here at we like to get as many of us as possible together for a fun activity, to eat or just to hang out!  There's something special about doing other things besides working with your co-workers!

l-r (around the table) Austin, Brandon, John, Kristin, Clint, Deb, Candice, Michelle and Cathy

We were able to grab some of our team a few days ago and we headed out to lunch at a local Irish restaurant.  Gathering around a table together makes it easier to catch up on all those fun moments in life!  For instance, Deb and Cathy are both proud military moms.  Their boys are off saving the world! Austin just finished college and Michelle just rejoined our ACOT family!

In the months ahead, we're going to let you get to know a bit more about our team here!  We'll also post more pics of our groovy outings.  In the meantime, check out our About Us page at

Thanks for reading!

Goodies from our Gallery:
'I Love Pretty Things' - Card by Erica H.

 July August Graphic Design Challenge
July/August Graphic Design Challenge - by Charleneanne

ACOT Cherry Bits BlogJoin us on FacebookACOT on Twitter -- coming soonSee us on YouTube

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