Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Meet Lilkoala--One of August's Featured Guests

Leslie (aka: lilkoala on the ACOT Message Board)

You will NEVER forget Leslie! Check out her profile and get to know more about her! Here's an exerpt from her recent CT interview:

Name 3 of your favorite embellishments to work with. Human hair, goldfish crackers, and gum chewed by celebrities.

What are your favorite adhesives? I’ve rigged up my ATG to dispense grape jam. I find it makes a less-expensive and tasty adhesive.

What is your top two fave holidays? My birthday and my birthday. I don’t like to share holidays with other people or religious figures. Or leprechauns.

Read her complete interview HERE.

Don't go too far away! You'll get to meet our second Featured Guest "Beachlover" in our next blog entry!

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