Thursday, August 13, 2009

Meet Ann--ACOT's 2nd Featured Guest For August

Ann (aka: Beachlover on the Message Board)

Ann gets her inspiration from anything and everything around her! She's been scrapping for ten years and has been a member of our ACOT family for nearly 5 years, now.

What is a favorite technique that you like to use?

Lately I have been really getting into distressing.

When and where do you create your layouts?

I have a little cubby that is a home office/scrappy area. I work two jobs, so I rarely have the energy to scrap during the week. Usually Sundays are my scrapbook days unless I am lucky enough to get out to a crop.

What is a favorite layout of yours and why?

I have not found a LO of mine that has completely satisfied me. I think I’m still trying to ‘find my mojo’.

Get to know more about Ann by reading her complete interview.

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