Friday, November 4, 2016

Announcing Our November 2016 Guest Designer!

First name: Sara

My craft supply 'must have': watercolors...good ones

What inspires me to create: new products or "rediscovering" older products...product definitely drives my layouts

Most readers don’t know this about me: I HATE bananas...can't stand them AT ALL!

BIO: Since this was the first gallery I ever uploaded a layout to...and since this is the first scrappy community I ever belonged to, I feel like you all know me quite well. So I am going to start this bio by saying how very much I appreciate all of you. You have supported and encouraged me and are the group I think of as my "tribe" Now the facts...I am a 37 year old wife and mother to two amazing boys and 2 fur babies. I have been married ....18 years this coming week...woohoo! I have been scrapping for 15 years. I am currently on, 6... design teams and have my own You Tube channel with lots of videos to enjoy and 2 video series currently ongoing.

I am so happy to be designing again scrappy home..and we are going to have a ton of fun!

Click here to view Sara's A Cherry On Top Crafts Gallery

18 Months Old” layout featuring Carta Bella Paper's Snow Fun collection:

Watch Dog” layout featuring We R Memory Keepers' High Five collection:

products used:

Help us welcome Sara as this month's Guest Designer! We're excited to see your challenges and fun inspiration! Be sure to visit our Message Board to get in on the fun. You could possibly win an A Cherry On Top Gift Certificate just for participating!

Happy Creating!

Guest Designer Call

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