Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Join Us For This Week's Crafty Sketch Challenge!

March is definitely coming in like a lion!  We were just getting over last week's Winter storm - and now we're gearing up for a second round.  No worries! We're professionals here in Michigan.

We'll be sledding and skiing and - CRAFTING of course!  Whether you're basking in the sun or hibernating from the cold, we hope this week's sketch challenge inspires you to create something amazing.

Week 112 - Sketch Challenge:

NOW 1000 ACOT Points Awarded to WINNER!

 paper crafting sketch inspiration

We'd love to see what you can do with this sketch! Post your finished project on our Becky Fleck Sketch Challenge #112 Topic on our Message Board and in the Becky Fleck Sketch Challenge #112 Gallery.  Random winner to be selected and awarded 1000 ACOT Points! Act fast! You have until midnite (11:59pm) EST on Tuesday - March 8, 2016 to post your project.

Submissions do NOT have to be scrapbooking layouts.  Design a greeting card, a wall hanging or anything this sketch inspires you to create!  We can't wait to see your project.


guest designer call
Click here to find out how to submit

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