Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Help Us Welcome Anne-Marie - Our November 2015 Guest Designer!

Screenname: scrappinmom99

First name: Anne-Marie

Favorite Color: Green. While looking through my gallery I noticed that I seem to like pairing green with pink! J

My craft supply 'must have': Patterned paper – I just can’t keep away from it! Oh my goodness, I have tons of it! I also love small shiny bling and stickers.

Guilty pleasure: I consider all of scrapbooking my guilty pleasure lol. I work at home so when I need a break from the computer/sitting at the desk, I go scrap for 5 minutes, 15 minutes, however much time I can get. You know, instead of doing housework! ;) I like to combine my love of needlework with my love of scrapping so sometimes I plan layouts that I can stitch on while watching TV. Aside from scrapping, my guilty pleasures would be all things geeky. I love sci-fi, fantasy, and historical fiction genres in books and TV/movies. I also love when I have time to curl up with a hot cup of tea and a book.

Layout: Bella Bambina - Challenge #1 - COLOR

 color challenge 1

some products used:


Layout: Squanto's home - Challenge #2 - SKETCH

 sketch challenge 2

Sketch to use:

Congratulations Anne-Marie! Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us this month and we look forward to all of your inspirational paper crafting challenges!  To read Anne-Marie's complete interview and to see more of her projects, click here

guest designer a cherry on top

Click here to find out how to submit

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