Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Help Us Welcome This Month's Guest Craft Designer!

Please help us welcome our Guest Designer for July 2015!

Screenname:  1scrappymom

First name: Shannon

Favorite Color: yellow

My craft supply 'must have':  I am a sucker for patterned paper!!  I also think I might be the only person left in the world that still uses adhesive squares as my go-to adhesive. 

I mostly create: 2 page layouts – mostly theme-park and travel-related

Guilty pleasure:   Going on scrapbook retreats or shopping trips with friends. I am also a huge fan of Orange is the New Black.

BIO:   My name is Shannon Blinn.  I have been married to my best friend, Shane, for nearly 23 years now.  We have two children.  Bailee is our daughter and she is 19.  Logan is our son and he is 13.  

We have FOUR dogs.  We normally only have two beagles at a time, but this year we decided to look into rescue and now have two, very, large, ornery lab-mix puppies (are they still puppies if they are over 50 pounds??).  I am a licensed, master-level social worker by profession.  Although my passion is in helping children and families, I also have an artistic side and love to use that to document the stories of my own life and the lives of my family.  

products used:
 summer vibes simple stories

 summer vibes simple stories  summer vibes simple stories

Layout: 'Good Dog'

'We rescued two lab mix puppies in February.  They were so little! They are now well over fifty pounds each!'

products used:
 rover collection bella blvd  rover collection bella blvd

Look for Shannon's projects in her A Cherry On Top Gallery and get in on her paper crafting Challenges during July on our Message Board!

Welcome Shannon!

guest designer a cherry on top

Click here to find out how to submit
Posted by heidi

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