Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Whew! Take A Breath With This Paper Crafting Sketch Challenge!

The holiday season can include a whirlwind of events!  We hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving (to those who celebrate it).  All of us at A Cherry On Top have been busy with the new products and of course - shipping out all of your Black Friday and Cyber Monday orders!

But before your schedule begins to ramp up with all of the Christmas activities, take a creative break with this week's scrapbooking Sketch Challenge:

 a cherry on top sketch challenge

This sketch offers places to journal, cute areas to tuck embellishments in and larger pictures!  Please post your finished project (no - it does not have to be a scrapbook layout) to our Becky Fleck Sketch Challenge #83 Gallery.  You have until Monday, December 8th to get in on the fun!

As always, ALL PARTICIPANTS will receive ACOT POINTS - with the randomly selected winner receiving 1000 Points to spend in our ACherryOnTop.com Craft store!

Happy Creating!

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