Thursday, April 3, 2014

Welcome Janet! This Month's Guest Designer!

a cherry on top april 2014 guest designer
Screen name:  scrapy1967

First name:  Janet

Favorite color: Blue

I mostly create: Layouts

Guilty pleasure: Chocolate and buying scrapbooking supplies

BIO: I am self employed and I live in Ohio with my wonderful husband of seven years.  We have two beautiful Boxers named Zoe and Sophie.  My hobbies include gardening, scrapbooking, general crafts and traveling.

 Layout: The Trevi Fountain

Featuring 'Perfect Vacation' - Imaginisce


Look for Janet's (scrapy1967) inspirational projects in her Gallery and check out her paper crafting Challenges during April on the Message Board!

guest designer call
Click here to find out how to submit

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