Monday, March 3, 2014

Help Us Welcome This Month's Guest Designer!

First name:  Joannie

Favorite color:  I like all shades of red

I mostly create:  I create paper 12x12 layouts and I enjoy stamping and making cards too.

Guilty pleasure:  Now that I found a few good friends/Cherries to scrap with locally, I enjoy going to crops again!! It’s so FUN!! I love shopping for scrapbook supplies here at ACOT too!!! Right now when all the new CHA  goodies are coming into the store is most exciting!!! Outside of scrapbooking, I love going to the movies, Starbucks coffee, and taking photographs!! 

BIO:  My mother in-law and sister in-law introduced scrapbooking to me in 1995! Thank you!! Thank you!! I have seen many changes over the years in the scrapbook industry from supplies to styles!  I cringe when I think of the photographs I cropped when I first started! EEK! I hope scrapbooking is a hobby that I will  enjoy for many more years!!

A BIG thanks to ACOT for inviting me to be this month’s Guest Designer!!! I’m so looking forward to a FUN month!!! I have some interesting challenges for you all!! Hope you enjoy them!

Layout:  Love Fall

 love fall scrapbooking layout

Featuring 'Harvest Lane' - Simple Stories

Look for Joannie's inspirational projects in her Gallery and check out her
Challenges during March on the 
Message Board!

guest designer call

Click here to find out how to submit

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