Tuesday, September 11, 2012

This Week's Becky Fleck Sketch Challenge

You seem to be loving our weekly sketch challenges!  Thanks to everyone who participates.  It's really been fantastic seeing all of the inspiring projects in our A Cherry On Top Gallery!  

Check out Sketch Challenge #19:

becky fleck sketch challenge

We'd love to see what you can do with this sketch! Post your finished layout on our Becky Fleck Sketch Challenge #19 Topic on our Message Board and in the Sketch Challenge #19 Gallery

Random winner to be selected and awarded 500 ACOT Bonus Points! Act fast! You have until midnite EST on Tuesday - September 18, 2012 to post your project. See Terms & Conditions.

As always, a special thanks to Becky Fleck of PageMaps for all of the beautiful sketches! 

guest designer call
Click here to find out how to submit

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