Monday, June 18, 2012

A Cherry On Top Guest Designer Call

guest designer call

Think you have what it takes to be a Guest Designer? You're probably right! Why not answer our Guest Designer Call?  We want to see your best layouts, projects, cards or altered projects. Submit them into our Guest Designer Submission Gallery to be considered for one of our monthly Guest Designer spots at ACOT!

1. Free Product for your project/layouts! (Digital Guests will receive products from participating Digital Designers)
2. Exposure of your awesome talent!
3. Recognition and bragging rights for an entire month!

If selected, Guest Designer must be able to:

* Complete a Q&A form
* Provide and host 5 Challenges/Contests (any combination) during their Guest Designer Month on the Message Board
* Provide recent headshot (picture)
* Post challenges on the A Cherry On Top Message Board
* Complete 3 layouts or 1 project/tutorial which will be published on and possibly other social media avenues

But most of all - be prepared to have fun!

For complete details on how to be considered as a Guest Designer, click HERE!

Terms and Conditions apply.  See site for more information.

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