Friday, August 12, 2011

A Big Welcome To Wheelie Girl - Our August Digi Guest CT Member!

Read a little bit about wheelie girl - aka: Donna -

Donna has been digi scrapping since 2009
My name is Donna (aka wheelie girl). I’m Mom to 2 boys ages 21 and 16. I am also blessed with a wonderful but large family that includes my Mom, 5 sisters, 3 brothers, and numerous nieces and nephews.

In 2001, while recovering from a life threatening injury and adjusting to life as a paraplegic, I started scrapbooking. I started digital scrapbooking in 2009 after seeing the beautiful pages in ACOT’s digital layout gallery.

When I’m not scrap booking, I love to read, listen to music and spend time with family. I also volunteer as a peer counselor at a rehabilitation hospital. I meet with people who have a physically disabling illness or injury and their family members who may need help with adjustment. Visiting these patients has allowed me to put my own recovery challenges into perspective. Volunteering is a means by which I can give something back.

One of Donna's gorgeous layouts entitled 'Gone Too Soon':

Welcome Donna!  Thanks for sharing with us!

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