Monday, April 4, 2011

Meet Our April 2011 Guest Paper CT Member!

immom2anc (Kristen)

Here is an excerpt from Kristen's interview:

Name: Kristen (but most of my friends call me Sis, and these crazy monkeys refer to me as Mom). Married to RC for 7 years now (but we've been together for over 12; high school sweethearts). Have 2 sweet little monsters girls and baby boy on the way (due July 2011). We're California transplants living in the Phoenix Valley and LOVING it!

'Love You 4 Ever' using Prima's Madeline Collection

Favorite thing to do with your family? Lay in bed, and snuggle into a movie with the lights out. I love the quiet time and the sweet sound of them breathing next to me.

 'Family Is Everything' by Kristen

What's your favorite scrapping tool to use when scrapbooking? I'm bi-scrapual (both digi & paper), so for traditional scrapping, I couldn't live without my Fiskars Deluxe Trimmer; I don't know how I cut paper before that thing. And with my digi stuff, I'm seriously in LOVE Photoshop CS5! It rocks!

To check out the rest of Kristen's product reveal featuring Prima's Madeline Collection, be sure to read the 'April Guest Paper CT' article on ACOT's Resources Page.

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