Friday, March 11, 2011

Using Cell Phone ' Pics ' In Scrapbooking

Posted by MamaK321 (Kristianne)

As technology evolves and the quality of photos taken with our mobile devices improves, many people begin to rely on their cell phone camera for capturing quick, unplanned and everyday moments. This Creative Team reveal is a good example of the variety of camera phone qualities and different ways to utilize your pictures despite their minimal size and limited camera functions. Some newer phone models allow apps for photographic editing and effects. If you are wondering how to transfer those captured moments to your computer, most newer phones are equipped for memory sticks or pc transfer cables, while those with web access can email photos to their pc.

Best Little Valentines by Jenn Kellams

i think... by MamaK321
"I took these quick photos while walking to the middle school with my dd. I love this view... wanted to remember it just like this."

Love My Boo by Mommybruno
"I have a little Tracfone that takes terrible pics. I did switch them to black and white, hoping that would make them look a little less terrible."

Too Cute by sarahwhithers
"I take a lot of pictures of my cat Gwen with my phone since it's handy and I like that it comes with no flash so I don't get the crazy pet eyes."

farmers market by MamaK321
"...I pulled out my phone and snapped a photo of dh and dd walking down the street... memories preserved in an instant."

Giggles and Grin by Jenn Kellams

January 2011 by milmomma
"I take [a photo] everyday for P365 and have been meaning to scrap them but haven't"

Born This Way by Jenn Kellams

death by chocolate by MamaK321

Hula Hoop by Smiley-Scrap8
"My dd was at a friends birthday party and we forgot our camera."

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