Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Meet Our March 2011 Guest Paper CT Member!

Andrea Eason(aceason on the ACOT Message Board)
Guest Paper CT March 2011

Here is an excerpt from Andrea's interview:

What's your favorite scrapping tool to use when scrapbooking? Seriously, just one? Probably my paper trimmer, best tool ever created. I use a lot of patterned papers (yes I am a paper hoarder) and usually cut them into smaller chunks to scrap with. I also matte a lot of my photos and it's essential for that!

What's the one thing you must have readily available when you sit down to scrap? Photos, organized. I usually choose paper first and then find coordinating photos so I keep a bunch of boxes with pictures organized and ready for layouts with little post-it notes indicating themes so they're easy to find. That way it's easy to get lots done in what time I have.

Name 3 musical artists you enjoy. I have a really varied taste in music and can appreciate anything except the BeeGees, who my husband loves. My recent find is Skylar Grey, I love her voice but I also have lots of dance music (think Black Eyed Peas, Keisha, Lady Gaga), pop, modern country, and of course the classics like Dave Matthews. You just never know what you're going to find.

Andrea featured Best Creation's 'Travel Forever' Collection in her reveal:

pack your bags best creation travel forever
'Pack Your Bags' by aceason

beach ballet best creation travel forever
'Beach Ballet' by aceason

Read what else Andrea had to say about being a Guest Creative Team Member and working with Best Creation's Travel Forever Collection at ACherryOnTop.com.

Welcome Andrea!

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