Monday, November 8, 2010

2010 Fall Online Crop Wrap Up

What a fabulous crop we had this past weekend!  Our Creative Team came up with some inspirational scrapbooking challenges, great games and of course - PRIZES!!!

beautiful mess
Janell's 'Beautiful Mess' - Challenge #3 Example Layout

Thank you for spending the weekend with us!  If you missed any or all of the crop, you have to visit the NOVEMBER 2010 CROP FORUM on our Message Board.  There you will be able to catch up on all of the who-saids, the who-dids, and the who-wons of the event!

postcards from the edge
Kimandasmo's 'Postcard From The Edge' - Challenge #9 Example Layout

There's also still time to get in on the Challenge Winner Giveaway!  You have until midnite EST - Tuesday, November 9th to upload your projects!  View the Crop Rules topic for complete details.

A HUGE and never-ending THANKS to our amazing Creative Team and Guest Hosts!  We could never do this without you!  

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