Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Get To Know ACOT's October Guest Scrapbooking Designer!

Susan (aka: SusanZenn on the ACOT Message Board)

Here's an excerpt from her interview:

Favorite (NSR) magazine publication: All You (has great coupons!)
Name 3 of your favorite scrapbooking companies/lines:   My Minds Eye, Fancy Pants, Basic Grey
Name 3 of your favorite candy bars: Snickers, Whatchamacallit, York Peppermint Pattie
Name 3 musical artists you enjoy: Jack Johnson, Def Leppard, Bon Jovi

Susan did a fantastic job creating projects using Best Creation's sparkly Trick Or Treat line.

Haunted House
'Haunted House' by SusanZenn

boo crew
'Boo Crew' by SusanZenn

View the complete interview at ACherryOnTop.com.

Welcome Susan!

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