Monday, August 16, 2010

Warehouse Sale Fun!

Every three to four months we get to open up our warehouse to our customers!  This past Saturday, we had our Summer Warehouse Sale.  We love seeing the faces of Members from our Online Community!

We put out our shingle and the customers came!  Many drove for hours through crazy construction just to attend.

  ACOT Shoppers Browsing Deals

I really did plan on taking more pictures, but we all ended up being pretty busy meeting, greeting and helping our great customers!  I did manage to take a few snap shots before we opened the doors:

Kristin - always smiling!

Michelle was all set to go!

We're planning our next local warehouse sale for sometime in November.  If you're within driving distance, it's definitely worth the trip!  Sign-up for our local newsletter by visiting!  You can view more pics from the sale by visiting our Facebook Page.

Thanks to everyone who attended and to all of the ACOT Employees who helped!

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