Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Scrapbooking Product Review: Hallowe'en in Wonderland - Graphic 45

Scrapbooking with Megan (aka: Megamay)

At this summer's Craft and Hobby Association (CHA) Show, everyone was talking about the display for Graphic 45's Hallowe'en In Wonderland collection.  There were impressively dressed characters and amazing project ideas!  I'm not sure if there is an award for the most creative booth at CHA, but my vote would have to go to Graphic 45!

Megan had this to say about designing with the 'Hallowe'en In Wonderland' line:

'When I first saw the sneak peek of this line, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it! I love how it is spooky and Halloween themed, but sweet and whimsical at the same time. I had so many project ideas swirling around in my head and couldn't wait to get started!' 

altered pumpkin treat holder 
'Altered Pumpkin Treat Holder' by Megan
You must check out the rest of Megan's Product Review HERE.  While you're at it, take a tour of the Graphic 45 Blog for pics from CHA and more creative ideas using the Hallowe'en In Wonderland collection.
Graphic 45

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