Thursday, May 6, 2010

Meet May's Guest Paper CT Member!

Ana White - Guest CT Member May 2010

Please welcome A Cherry On Top's May Guest Creative Team Member!  Ana White has been an avid scrapbooker for years.  She worked with Little Yellow Bicycle's 'Clothesline' collection for her product reveal:

 'A Spring Stroll' by Ana (aka: anazelia)

Ana says, 'To me scrapbooking is a way of creating a living history book.  I think that is why I enjoy it so much.  It gives me a creative outlet, but it also allows me to pass my history on to my children and perhaps, to their children.'

See what else Ana has to say about some of her favorite things in life and why she loves to scrapbook in her Little Yellow Bicycle - Clothesline product reveal.  
Welcome Ana!

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