Monday, April 19, 2010

Local Warehouse Sale Fun!

The ACOT Staff had a ton of fun at our Spring Warehouse Sale Event on Saturday!

 Michelle(f), Becky and Heidi

We got to see a lot of our chatters from our Message Board and made many new friends.  Thank you so much for the fantastic turn-out!

 Kristin helps prepare for the local warehouse sale

Many of our visitors drove for hours to visit our warehouse.  We appreciate that!  There were a lot of first timers.  Visiting and shopping our 29.000 plus products can be a bit over whelming, but everyone caught on quickly and even enjoyed the thrill of the warehouse hunt!

Every local sale we have gives us the opportunity to think of better ways to serve you.  We can't wait to do it again!  If you're in or around the Saginaw, Michigan area - be sure to sign up for our local warehouse sale newsletter for announcements and promotions!

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