Wednesday, November 4, 2009

ACOT Featured Feature!

Brandon (the tech guy) is always busy behind the scenes making an even better place to shop and hang out!  His 'to-do' list is literally years long!  Kristin and I probably add to that list on a daily basis.

This week, Brandon finished a feature we've wanted for a long time.  You can now choose the number of products you'd like to view per page and how you'd like to view them!

Like to see lots of products in a row or per page?  Select 'Grid' then select how many items per page you'd like to view.

Like to read lots of details with larger product images?  Select 'List' then select the number of products.

What does this feature mean for you?  Less clicking and more viewing!  The loading time per page may depend on your viewing preference as well as your computer's speed.  Take this into consideration when making your selection. 

A big 'THANKS' goes out to you - our customer - for always letting us know what you'd like to see change or improve at!

~Until next time!

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