Thursday, October 1, 2009

Welcome Emarie803!

Emarie803 aka: Emily

Welcome to ACOT's Guest Paper Creative Team Member for the month of October! Meet Emily. 'Em' was one of the original message board 'Stick-Gals'! She worked with SEI's Winter Song line of products for her reveal.

Winter Magic by Emarie803

What's your favorite scrapping tool to use when scrapbooking? My ATG gun. I love that thing! Seriously, I don't know how I scrapped without it!

What are your top two fave holidays? Christmas Eve and Christmas! Seriously that is my favorite time of year!

Favorite thing to do with your family? For my household it would be going to hockey and lacrosse games. Including my parents and sister, getting together for games and dinner.

View Em's complete interview and take a look at all of her gallery submissions!

Congratulations, Emily!

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