Friday, September 11, 2009

September Guest Paper CT Member!

Deb (aka: skinnimini)

Can you believe we're already into the second week of September? It's been a busy one around here! With a new month comes a brand new Guest Paper CT Designer!

Meet Deb (also known as "skinnimini" on our ACOT Message Board. Here are a few highlights from her interview:

Favorite thing to do with your family: We live on a farm, so we love to go four wheeling, fishing, picnicking, things like that.

Favorite thing (non-scrap related) to do without your family: What? They never leave me alone.

What's your favorite scrapping tool to use when scrapbooking? There are so many! I love my Tim Holtz inking tool, BasicGrey precision file set, Cutterbee scissors, and my Perfect Layers tool just to name a few.

Name 3 of your favorite SB companies/lines: Again, like my music, this changes on a weekly basis, but today it's Webster's Pages, Pink Paislee, My Mind's Eye

Check out Deb's complete interview and all of her gallery submissions! You can also get to know more about Deb by visiting her blog!

Congratulations, Deb!

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