Friday, February 6, 2009

Come Crop With Us!

ACOT sponsors THE best online crops around! There are Challenges and Fast Scraps. Classes and Special Deals on your favorite scrapbooking products. Occasionally, our Creative Team and Crop Hostesses get so crop happy...they give away stuff just for lurking on our Message Board!

You DO NOT want to miss it!

Never attended an online crop and you're a little confused as to how we pull it off in such an awesome way? You're not the only one! Read our What Is An Online Crop? article for all the details!

February is also our 3 year Digi-versary. Yep! It was three years ago this month ACOT went digi with our Digital Shoppe! It's crazy how quickly time flies. The Digital Creative Team will be busy making this month even more digi-ful!

Sign up for our Newsletter and stay informed of all the happenings of!

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