Monday, January 26, 2009

Adventures At CHA!

So far the trip has been just as exciting as you’d expect! It seems whenever Kristin and I travel for CHA Winter, there are delays and postponements and frozen plane parts that need to be thawed. This trip was no exception. Unfortunately, we were late for our Creative Team Meet & Greet, but the team held it down for us and we were able to meet some fantastic ladies from the Message Board.

We are always amazed at the support of our members. You all are fantastic and we couldn’t do what we do without you. You truly make ACOT a great place to shop and share!

This year’s CHA theme is “Going Green”. Some of the new items we’ve seen include patterned papers and embellishments produced from recycled elements. I think most of our customers have already gone green. You guys have been recycling fabric and paper for years now!

CHA Chairman, Steve Berger, opened CHA with an inspirational speech. The attendees were excited and anxious for the doors to open on day one! I saw retailers running to various booths that advertised specials for those who were among the first to place orders. I guess everyone loves a great deal. We’re just thrilled to be able to touch all of the new products that will soon be in our warehouse and on our web site. Becky and Michelle are going to be crazy busy!

Next entry, I will do my best to post some pics! Amy Teets got to meet part of the “Force”. A couple of our reps had a few celebrity sightings and we had the opportunity to make some new friends.

Did I mention how much I love my job???

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