Monday, December 8, 2008

Do You Digi?

Digital layouts are one of the hottest trends in scrapbooking right now. And with more and more websites dedicated to digital or adding digital sections, I don’t think this is a trend that we’ll see fading anytime in the future. But there is a bit of mystery surrounding digital layouts. When you ask people about digital scrapping, many are like “What is digital?” or “I wouldn’t even know where to begin.” Hopefully, this will give a little background into the digital process, what’s needed to get started, and what digital can offer to your scrapbooking experience.

Read more about "The Digital Decision" in an article by Lyndsay Jorday-Hegwald HERE!

Already a seasoned digital scrapper? Be sure to check out our Digital and Hybrid Tutorials where designers like
Kristianne (MamaK321) can show you how to take every day doodles like this:

And turn them into fantastic digital layouts like this:

Need something to jump start your MOJO??? Our Creative Team offers monthly challenges to get those juices flowing! Check our out Contests and Challenges section for both digital and paper scrapbooking!

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